Practicum FAQs and Tips!



What do I need to do before I start my practicum?

Great question! The top three things you should do before your practicum are:

  • Fill out your EDFX Online Registration Form!

    • You will receive an email about where to find this and when to complete it by.

  • Fill out your introduction form for your school and mentor teacher!

    • This is a way for you to introduce yourself to your mentor teacher so they can get to know you better.

  • Get your police check!

    • You can get your police check at the “Police Information Check Section” in Nexus Business Park.

Have any specific questions about your practicum?

Email your designated zone FEA for any other questions you may have!

How should I dress?

The dress code for practicum will depend on your school! Some schools may ask you to dress professionally at all times (dress pants, button-ups, blouses, etc.), whereas other schools will allow you to wear jeans every day of the week. Ultimately, it is up to you and your school to decide, but we recommend staying as professional as you can during your time there!

Will I need to bring anything?

Yes! We recommend that, along with your teaching/planning materials, you bring along a separate notebook. This notebook could be used for observations of the classroom dynamics, the students, etc. Basically, for any observations or notes you want to make about things you deem important.


These are some tips from our ESA council members to you!

  • Ask lots of questions!

  • Have an open mind! You're not going to love everything your mentor teacher does, but, at the very least, you'll know what you don't want to do.

  • Make sure you wear shoes that you've worn before! You don't want to end up with sore feet and blisters when you're on your feet all day and trying to make a good impression.

  • If your mentor teacher, or someone else in your school, does/has something you like, write it down! Then you'll remember it for when you get your own classroom.

  • If you're in the younger grades, make sure you wear clothes you can sit on the floor and move around in.

  • Don't be afraid to ask if you can try something you learned in university, even if it's very different from what your mentor teacher does. As long as you frame it as you trying to learn as opposed to you disagreeing with their methodology, you mentor teacher will probably let you.

  • Always dress professionally, even if it's a casual day at your school

  • Always be genuine - show the kids love and respect